Friday, 21 October 2016

How to get good marks for this part of your blog

This is taken from the exam board's mark scheme, I have only included Proficient and Excellent since I assume you will all be in these categories! Good luck!

Level 3 12–15 marks Proficient

There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.

There is proficient analysis of existing texts and proficient evidence of understanding of conventions of film openings and establishing genre/narrative.

There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

There is proficient work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

There is proficient care in the presentation of the research and planning

Time management is good. 

Proficient means your work is generally good. Analysis considers technical aspects of the film opening, such as framing  lighting, mise-en-scene, camera movement, sound, editing as well as what conventions feature on the opening credits and how narrative is established. You are up to date with the work and using your own initiative with research and planning. Your blog is creative, using varied presentation methods to clearly explain and demonstrate conventions and your ideas. Planning has been influenced by your research and is workable/supportive in your production. 

Level 4 16–20 marks Excellent

There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.

There is excellent analysis of existing texts and excellent evidence of understanding of conventions of film openings and establishing genre/narrative.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

There is excellent care in the presentation of the research and planning

Time management is excellent. 

Your work is excellent. It is up to date and much of the work is creative, varied and highly analytical.  There is sharp focus on the tasks and excellent awareness/understanding of conventions of film openings. There are clear links between your research and your planning - your choices made for your preliminary/main task have been clearly influenced by the research tasks and you have explained all choices made for films (all technical/mise-en-scene choices) in detail. Planning is very detailed, with a clear storyboard  animatic and production schedule that is clearly being used to guide production.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Blog Check update

I have checked your blogs again today and again there are some students whose blogs are not up to date. Next check will be 31st October but already some of you will find you have penalised yourselves for the Autumn reports due out soon.
I will be handing out a checklist and copy of my comments in the lesson on Tuesday, please make sure you get up to date.
Here is a list of posts you should have by 31st: Please note this does not include any of the posts of your preparation for your film which is a separate list!!

  1. Audience survey collation of results    [with diagrams]       
  2. Mise en scene                 )        
  3. Editing                            )         these were all class work  and should have been finished
  4. Sound                              )         for homework
  5. Directors /use of camera ) 
  6. Audience Q’aire link to questions          
  7. History of horror              
  8. Horror conventions       
  9. Media in My Life               
  10. Film Analysis 1                  
  11.  Film Analysis 2
  12. Film analysis 3
  13. Film Analysis 4
  14. Camera angles
  15.  Mood board / Summer holiday work

Planning Resources and Templates

Find below some templates to help you consider your film in more detail.

Using a call sheet will show evidence of organisation of actors (a key part of the mark scheme) and help you plan your filming in more detail.

This is an example one. A blank one is below (and in the shared area at school too).

This sheet will help you plan your location - so you know where to go and any additional information. I recommend you do one for each possible location - and definitely for the actual locations you use. If you add pictures to the sheet to to demonstrate the location - even better!